[Video] How Targeting a Single Frustrating Problem Will Bring More Clients

By on April 28, 2014

Here’s a simple way to boost your income while spending less on advertising and marketing. This is one of the best ideas for small business because it helps you bring in a lot more customers with a lot less work and cost.

Limit your marketing spending to only those customers who have the greatest chance of buying from you.

This may sound simple, but most small businesses do the exact opposite. Most marketers blow all their money and time trying to attract everyone without truly understanding the difference between a real buyer and everyone else.

Well, here’s a wake-up call. Most people out there will NEVER buy from you.

Let me repeat that. Regardless of how persuasive and great your advertising is, regardless of whether you are able to bring them to your website or Facebook page, by far, most will NEVER buy from you.

The good news is, a few people and businesses out there actually do want to buy from you. They are looking for exactly what you are offering. And the more you can understand how they are different from everyone else, the easier it will be to win them as customers.

So, one of the best ideas for a small business to grow, is to NOT do what almost everyone else is doing. Instead, target only those few people who actually WILL buy from you, and forget about the rest.

And focus on that one PROBLEM these buyers have. Do you know what one thing drives them nuts or is a real issue they are struggling with, pertaining to your type of product or service?

This only works if you do a little homework.

By using this approach — of talking about the buyer and their problem rather than just focusing on yourself and your product or service, you may be amazed at how dramatically you can suddenly accelerate your success.

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