The 4 Barriers That Limit Your Success

By on June 15, 2015

4-Cones-Orange2Invisible emotional barriers block us from achieving some of our most important goals.

Actor Jeff Bridges explained that he was embarrassed by his early success because he feared it was overshadowing his famous dad. That’s why, for years he turned down plum roles in major movies until after his dad passed away.

Most people don’t realize that emotional barriers like the one Jeff Bridges experienced, will often get in the way of the success we are looking for in life.

Once we understand the four primary barriers, it can be much easier for us to have the life we really want.

The owner of a $14 million electronics company turned down the opportunity to gain exclusive rights to a hot software product that would eventually generate $100 million in sales. His explanation. I’m afraid that it would make me stand out too much!

Surprisingly, this type of fear, and these types of obstacles are quite common.

Psychologist and motivator Mary Morrissey says, for many of us, four barriers to success limit our ability to achieve great goals:

  1. BROKEN – Feeling fundamentally flawed – the feeling that “I’m not worthy;”
  2. ALONE – Fear of abandonment and disloyalty – that our friends will abandon us if we become too successful;
  3. RESPONSIBLE – Fear of the burden of success – where we feel that we have to support all the people we know; and
  4. OVERSHADOWING – Fear of outshining – like Jeff Bridges outshining his dad, and his friends.

These are legitimate obstacles, and are more common than most people realize.

If you believe any of these may be limiting you, here are two strategies that may help.

First, create a biography listing all your accomplishments, and all the reasons why you are worthy.

Next, spend time with people more successful than you — perhaps volunteering your time to charities where you get to work side-by-side with people of considerable success.

Try these and miracles can happen!

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