Sales Techniques — One of the Most Powerful Selling Formulas

By on June 7, 2014

How would you like a simple formula that instantly makes your ads, talks, emails, web pages and other promotions more effective?

It’s PSC – FBA, referring to:

  • PROBLEM — what problem does your product or service solve?
    Even Disneyland is the solution to the problem, “What are we going to do with the kids during vacation?” — or “Where can we go to have an amazing vacation or break, something that makes us feel like kids again.”
    So… what problem do you solve?
  • SOLUTION — in a few words, (a) what is the solution you are offering? and (b) why is it better than what your prospect is already doing or considering?
  • CREDIBILITY — why should anyone believe you?
  • FEATURES — what are the key elements of your product or service?
  • BENEFITS — how do these features benefit the prospect?
  • ACTION — what next step or action should the potential customer take, if they are interested
    (maybe giving your prospect a deadline to encourage them to act now — because only a few are available, or because the price or offer will soon be changing)?

This formula works because it goes through the thinking process — the same way a prospect goes through it in their mind:

  • Have you identified a problem or issue I am interested in?
  • What is the solution you are proposing?
  • Why is that solution better than what I am using or considering?
  • Why should I believe you?
  • What are the features?
  • How do those features benefit me?
  • If I’m interested, what should I do next?

For example…

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